Blue tape 3M 2090-48MM
Scotch Blue 3M made in USA, as it is called in Russia, “Blue tape " for 3d printers, which is one of the very first in the segment of home 3d printing and therefore common means for the adhesion of a part to a desktop. It is quite easy to use, to achieve the adhesion of PLA plastic to the working surface, a heating table is not even required, it will be enough to evenly glue the blue tape from 3M company with one layer and correctly set the gap between the table and the nozzle to achieve satisfactory results.
Of course, when using other types of plastic, for example ABS, it is recommended to have a heating table, which, paired with this tape, gives one of the best results for gluing the part.
The advantages of using this particular tool include the protection of the main surface from premature failure.
50 meters of tape with a thickness of 50 mm, that's how much you get by buying one roll of tape, it will be enough for more than 200 uses with a complete replacement of the entire coating, while it is required to replace about every fifth print.Общие Страна производитель США Цвет синий Ширина 48 мм Loading data...